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Ralph Gale Rutter graduated from Kings Point in July, 1944. He was the grandson of the noted Washington State banker Robert Lewis Rutter – an important capitalist in turn-of-the last-century Spokane. Gale, as he was known, earned a Scholastic Star while at Kings Point and spent his Sea Year in three war zones.
Gale shared room 2309 Murphy Hall with three other cadet-midshipsmen. Among them he was known as Gale “The Ferrer” Rutter; according to a collective memory in Midships, Spring 1944: “[Gale] left the Academy twice; the first time to get his Coast Guard pass, the second when he graduated.” I suspect the mention of him leaving campus was a bit tongue in cheek. His photographs are unusual for the period – since they document candid sides of cadet-midshipmen life with a dash of a dry sense of humor: from the joy of extended liberty to making his bed for inspection.
The photograph of his roommates and him sitting around their room’s table was included in Midships. Note the ashtray and lit cigarette between them – having smokes inside a barracks room was a privilege afforded cadet-midshipmen first-class.
(this gallery page is in process – I have about 50 more photographs to scan)