Since Kings Point is a Federal installation, Midshipmen are eligible to earn and wear Federal decorations. These decorations include – but are not limited to – those of the Department of Defense and the Department of Transportation and their constituent units; for the former, Department of the Navy awards are most prevalent, and within the DoT, midshipmen may be found wearing awards of the U.S. Maritime Administration, and sometimes of the U.S. Maritime Service. The Regiment follows the Federal standard where one’s own service takes precedence over other services; thus, the Maritime Administration awards are arranged higher in precedence than those of the Department of Defense. They also follow the general rule where Academy and ROTC ribbons follow the Federal awards. It is worth noting that once Midshipmen graduate from Kings Point, they are free to wear any of the Federal decorations they earn if the service allows for such. Thus far, all armed and uniformed services permit the wear of the below Federal decorations in their medal and ribbon precedence charts.
Maritime Administration
Merchant Mariner’s Expeditionary Medal (Federal – Department of Transportation/Maritime Administration)
Awarded to American merchant seamen who serve on U.S.-flag ships in support of operations involving American and allied military force. It was first authorized for service in Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm; the award is now authorized to mariners who serve in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Midshipmen who sail with the Military Sealift Command in the Persian Gulf may receive this medal.
Department of Transportation

Secretary of Transportation Outstanding Unit Award (Federal – Department of Homeland Security)
Given the superb handling of President George W. Bush’s visit to the Academy as the keynote commencement speaker on June 19, 2006 – the first visit to Kings Point by a sitting U.S. President – the Academy’s Regiment, faculty, and staff was awarded the Secretary of Transportation Outstanding Unit Award. This was the only award of DOT Outstanding Unit Award after 2003.
vanguard sku 7750400 “DOT Outstanding Achievement with Small Frame”
Maritime Service

Maritime Service Personal Achievement Medal (Federal – Department of Transportation)
This medal was first mentioned in an Academy communiqué in 2015; and this was for its award to a midshipman. In this particular circumstance, it was awarded in the face of grave personal danger; the midshipman was protecting the lives of his fellow shipmates. The second mention of the medal was in 2018 when it was awarded to an Academy staffer.
Many thanks to Mr. Cancel for providing an image of his award.

Maritime Service Antarctica Service Ribbon (Federal – Department of Transportation)
May be awarded to any midshipman for 30 days of assigned duty at sea or ashore, south of latitude 60 degrees south. It is also awarded for 15 days of assigned duty at an outlying station on the continent; days do not need to be consecutive. The ship you were on that earned this should give it to you. This award is NOT authorized to be worn after graduation as you were not on active duty when you earned it. This award IS authorized to be worn as a Midshipmen and as a USMS officer. (USMMA MIDSHIPMAN UNIFORM REGULATIONS, 11 August 2017)
Department of Defense

Global War on Terrorism Medal (Federal – Department of Defense)
This medal, commonly known as the GWOT Medal, was approved on August 9, 2007 and unveiled by the Department of Defense (DoD) on February 26, 2008. The GWOT Medal was created to recognize and honor the contributions of DoD civilians in direct support of our military members engaged in operations to combat terrorism. It is issued by the Secretary of Defense and awarded to midshipmen on the recommendation of U.S. Army or U.S. Navy commands. It involves a period of 30-days of support. Like the Expeditionary Medal, it is commonly awarded to Midshipmen who sail with the Military Sealift Command.
vanguard sku 7789790 “Global War on Terrorism Civilian Service DOD”