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In the early years of the Second World War, despite industrial output destined for the United States’ future allied and increased military readiness, it found itself woefully unprepared for the realities of fighting and the logistics involved in conducting a global war. Aside from the steady capitulation of American territories in the Pacific and decimation of colonial outposts, the first individuals to face the brunt of the Axis’ wrath after the United States’ declaration of war were merchant seamen. Their ships were sunk with impunity, and the federal government was compelled to honor the heroism of the everyman who comprised the ships’ crews.

Public Law 77-524
77th Congress
To provide decorations for outstanding conduct or service by persons serving in the American merchant marine. Apr. 11, 1942 [H. J. Res. 263]
Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the United States Maritime Commission is hereby authorized and directed, under such rules and regulations as it may prescribe, to provide and award a medal of such material and design and with such devices and inscriptions as the Commission may deem suitable to each person who in the American merchant marine, on or after September 3, 1939, has distinguished himself or during the war distinguishes himself by outstanding conduct or service in the line of duty. Such medals shall be presented with appropriate ceremony as specified by the Commission.
SEC. 2. There may be issued with each medal a rosette or other device to be worn in lieu of the medal. Not more than one medal shall be issued hereunder to any person, but for each succeeding instance sufficient to justify the award of a medal to such person the Commission may award a suitable bar or other emblem or insignia to be worn with the medal and the corresponding rosette or other device. In case any person who so distinguishes himself as to justify the award of a medal or decoration hereunder dies before the award can be made to him, the award may be made and the medal or decoration presented to such representative of the deceased as the Commission deems proper.
Approved, April 11, 1942.