On 1 August 2022, a Russian paratrooper by the name of Pavel Filatyev published his remembrances as a participant in the invasion of Ukraine on his Vkontakte social media page. He titled his memoir ZOV after the tactical markings painted on Russian army vehicles – Z, in particular, has been adopted as a pro-war symbol in Russia; ZOV glosses to Зов which means “an outcry of suffering” or simply ”the call.” This text is the most detailed account from a Russian soldier involved in the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine thus far.
Since the release of his text and subsequent attention by the Western press, Mr. Filatyev has been on the run. It is believed he has fled Russia.
Below please find both the original Russian text and the machine-translated English version (via DeepL) of the same.
ZOV (Russian)
Suffering (English) [revised 25 August 2022] why suffering? because to go through DeepL was just that.
Press Coverage
Острый Угол (Acute Angle)
- Война в Украине глазами российского солдата: бардак, бездарное командование и нежелание убивать [via WebArchive : https://web.archive.org/web/20220816113555/https://storage.googleapis.com/istories/opinions/2022/08/10/voina-v-ukraine-glazami-rossiiskogo-soldata-bardak-bezdarnoe-komandovanie-i-nezhelanie-ubivat/index.html]
- The war in Ukraine through the eyes of a Russian soldier: a mess, mediocre command, and unwillingness to kill [translated to English]
- ZOV – war in Ukraine through the eyes of a Russian paratrooper [YouTube reportage]
- Journal of Democracy (a link back to this page)
Professional Translations
Without much fanfare, Random House quietly scheduled a professionally translated version of ZOV for early 2023 – ten days prior to the one-year anniversary of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. It is available here for pre-order:
And then it was shelved.
Instead, the U.S. Air Force undertook a collaborative translation and made it available at the Air University Library, here:
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The Air Force translation of ZOV has a handy Glossary, reproduced below.
- 200 – or “cargo 200”; Russian military jargon for killed in action.
- 300 – or “cargo 300”; Russian military jargon for wounded in action.
9K111 Fagot (птуры Фагот) – literally “bassoon”; a tube launched wire–guided anti–tank missile system of the Soviet Union for use from ground or vehicle mounts. - AFU – Armed Forces of Ukraine; also anglicized as “ZSU.”
- AGS (АГС, автоматический гранатомёт станковый) – automatic grenade launcher.
And Quiet Flows the Don (Тихий Дон) – A Nobel Prize in Literature award winning novel by Mikhail Sholokhov published from 1928–1932 that depicts the struggles of the Don Cossacks during the First World War and Russian Civil War. - Armata (Армата) – The “Armata” Universal Combat Platform is Russia’s next generation modular heavy military tracked vehicle platform.
- BMD (БМД, Боевая Машина Десанта) – literally “Combat Vehicle of the Airborne; models in the series include BMD–1, BMD–2, BMD–3, and BMD–4.
- BMP–1 (БМП–1; Боевая Машина Пехоты 1) – literally “infantry fighting vehicle”; models also include BMP–2, BMP–3.
- BRDM (БРДМ, Бронированная Разведывательная Дозорная Машина) – Literally, “armored reconnaissance/patrol vehicle”; An amphibious armored scout vehicle used by the Soviet Union/Russia and allies.
- BTR (БТР, бронетранспортёр) – literally “armored transporter”; one of a series of Soviet or post–Soviet armored personnel carriers (APC).
- Buratino (Буратино) – TOS–1, Heavy Flamethrower System. A Soviet 220 mm 30–barrel (original
system, Object 634 or TOS–1M) or 24–barrel (Object 634B or TOS–1A) multiple rocket launcher capable of using thermobaric warheads, mounted on a T–72 tank chassis. - DNR (ДНР, Донецкая Народная Республика) – The Donetsk People’s Republic, a disputed entity created by Russian–backed separatists in Eastern Ukraine.
- DShB (ДШБ, Десантано–штурмовой батальлон) – Air Assault Battalion.
- DShBr (ДШБр, Десантно–штурмовая бригада) – Air Assault Brigade.
- DShP (ДШП, Десантно–штурмовой полк) – Air Assault Regiment.
- DShR (ДШР, Десантно–штурмовой рот) – Air Assault Company.
- GAZon (ГАЗон, Го́рьковский автомоби́льный заво́д) – a more modern truck manufactured by the Russian vehicle manufacturer GAZ.
- Grad (БМ–21 Град) – The BM–21 Grad is a self–propelled 122 mm multiple rocket launcher designed in the Soviet Union, first developed in the 1960s.
- Hohol (хохол) – an alternative form of khokhol, an ethnic slur for Ukrainians popular in Russian and Russian speaking countries.
- KAMAZ (КАМАЗ) – a Russian manufacturer of trucks, buses, and engine, often used in the Russian military.
- Kinzhal (Кинжал) – Literally “dagger”; a Russian nuclear capable hypersonic missile that can carry both conventional and nuclear warheads.
- Kombat (Комбат) – Commonly used term, short for battalion commander.
- KShM (КШМ, Командо–штабная машина) – Literally “command–headquarters vehicle.”
- Kulak (кулак) – A term that was used to describe an affluent peasant who owned over 8 acres of land in the early 20th century. Kulaks became a target of the Soviet government during the early Stalin years.
- Linza (Линза) – A type of armored ambulance.
- LDNR (ЛДНР) – The Luhansk People’s Republic (LNR) and Donetsk People’s Republic (DNR).
- LNR (ЛНР, Луга́нская Наро́дная Респу́блика) – The Luhansk People’s Republic, a disputed entity created by Russian–backed separatists in Eastern Ukraine.
- MSP (МСП, Мотострелковый полк) – A motorized rifle regiment (infantry).
- Msta (Мста) – The 2S19 Msta is a self–propelled howitzer used by the Russian army.
- NONA – (НОНЫ, новейший Орудие Наземной Артилерии) – Literally “Newest Ordnance of Ground Artillery”; a self–propelled mortar vehicle.
- NSV Utyos (НСВ Утёсы) – a 12.7mm caliber heavy machine gun of Soviet origin, named after the last names of the designers (Nikitin, Sokolov, and Volkov).
- OBRON (ОБРОН, отдельная бригада особого назначения) – literally “separate operational brigade”; Usually associated with Russia’s National Guard Forces Command.
- OMON (ОМОН) – literally “Special Purpose Mobile Unit”; They are a system of special police in the National Guard who often serves as riot police.
- OSA type PVO (Оса) – The 9K33 Osa, a highly mobile, low–altitude, short–range surface–to–air missile.
- OVGO – ОВГО (охран важных государственных объектов) – Literally “protection of important state facilities.”
- PAZ (ПАЗ) – A type of bus common in Russia and Eastern European countries.
- Pazik (ПАЗик) – A PAZ driver.
- Peter I – Russian emperor considered the founder of the Russian navy and credited for modernizing Russia during his reign from 1682–1725.
- PKP Pecheneg (ПКП, Печенег) – a Russian 7.62×54mmR general–purpose machine gun.
- PMC (ЧВК, Частная военная компания) – A private military company.
Polk (Полк) – Regiment. - PTUR (ПТУР, Противотанковая управляемая ракета) – Anti–tank guided missile (ATGM).
- Prishpek – Jargon for HHQ office worker.
- PVO Pantsir–M (ПВО Панцир–М) – Pantsir–M missile systems.
- Rakushka (ракушка) – a type of BTR built on the basis of the BMD–4.
- Ratnik Gear (Ратник) – Literally “warrior”; Russian future infantry combat system that includes communication systems and night vision technology. It has extremely limited distribution.
- Rosgvardia (росгвардия) – The National Guard of the Russian Federation, an internal military force of Russia.
- Rot (Рот) – Company.
- Starley (старлей) – slang, short for the rank of a senior lieutenant.
- Tiger/Tigr (Тигр) – A 4×4 all–terrain infantry mobility vehicle.
- UAZ (УАЗ) – Vehicle from Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant. Models used by the Russian Armed Forces include: the UAZ 469 (УАЗ–469), the UAZ Bukhanka (УАЗ Буханка), and the UAZ Patriot (УАЗ Патриот), a mid–sized SUV.
- Unified State Exam (ЕГЭ, Единый государственный экзамен) – a series of exams that Russian students must pass after graduating high school to enter university or a professional college.
- Ural (Урал) – A type of general purpose off–road vehicle.
- Ushakov, Fyodor – an 18th century Russian naval commander, notable for his naval victories as Admiral of the Russian fleet.
- VDV (ВДВ – Воздушно–десантные войска) – Russian Airborne Forces. Units utilize a range of vehicles and are fully mechanized.
- VKPO (ВКПО, всесезонный комплект полевого обмундирования) – Literally, “All-season Field Uniform Set”; A new, more modern material uniform more suitable for different weather conditions.
- VVK (ВВК, Военно–врачебная коммоссия) – literally “Military Medical Commission”; The medical board in the Russian Armed Forces.
- Zhiguli (Жигули) – A common brand of cars manufactured in the Soviet Union and Russia by AvtoVAZ.