
AI-generated art is interesting. Some images look as though they’re born of fever-dream, others a creative play on shape and shadow. Below are several images generated by Dall-E 2 based off of images found on this site. My favorites are the first two.

David Seymour’s 1947, “A woman on Omaha Beach looks out at ruined ships used in the D-Day storming of Normandy France” reimagined.
Two cadet-midshipmen saying goodbye in a New York nightclub.
Pulling an awning (I).
A 142 painting reimagined (I).
ST Ocean Eagle with an octopus.
Edwin O’Hara reimagined (I)

Edwin O’Hara reimagined (II)
Painting the SS America or SS Manhattan.
Merchant seamen with a bouquet.
United States Maritime Commission cadets rowing on Long Island Sound.
Friends on TS Empire State (I)’s deck.
Pulling an awning (II).
A 142 painting reimagined (II).
A majorette, sitting.
A Manhattan socialite and a midshipman on a date.