liberty ship biographies

Beginning in 2009 and up until 2016, Clayton C. “Bud” Shortridge of New Haven, Indiana, churned out a number of informational texts regarding Liberty and Victory ships that were attacked by Axis forces. He passed away in July 2017, with his comcast site soon going offline; this left, blogspot, and several Google Docs links (mostly passworded and slated to disappear) as the holders of his work. In an effort to preserve his writing and to keep everything readily accessible for those interested, I have made available my archive of his articles.

A note: most of his information seems to come from The Liberty Ships from A (A. B. Hammond) to Z (Zona Gale) by Capt. Walter W. Jaffee, A Careless Word… A Needless Sinking: A History of the Staggering Losses Suffered By the U.S. Merchant Marine, Both in Ships and Personnel, During World War II by Capt. Arthur. Moore, and